Artist’s Statement


I believe that artists have a duty to make the world we live in a better place. In much of my work, I try to view the world through the eyes of children to try to see the hidden potential and beauty in everyday things. To many adults, a box is just a box, but to a child it could be a spaceship, a racecar, or even a castle! The innocence of children allows them to find beauty even in the most fragile of places.  In my work, I try to make a connection with the viewer through the child that lives in all of us. Through my bright and often bold color palette and whimsical drawing style, I set out with the simple goal to make someone smile. If I can bring joy to my audience, then my duty as an artist has been fulfilled.

The Works/Process:

The imagery presented here is created through a modified version of the C.F. Payne technique. I start my process by sketching my designs out on tracing paper. This allows me the freedom to move around and play with my composition. Once the composition has been finalized, the sketches are transferred with a neutral colored pencil to cold press watercolor paper. Using colored pencil instead of a regular pencil, unwanted line work is hidden once watercolors are applied. Once the image has been transferred, I lay down a colored pencil under drawing to help build up volume. After the under drawing is done, I seal it with a workable fixative to keep it from being picked up by the watercolors. Next, I build up my watercolors, and alternate back and forth between watercolors, acrylic paints, colored pencils, and other mixed media to build volume and add texture. When I’m satisfied, I blend the colored pencil with mineral spirits because they dissolve the oil based pencils to create an oil like paint finish. Lastly, I will go over and bring out any details that were lost in the process with colored pencil.

The works I create are full of whimsy and are composed by combining strong line quality and bright colors to create a balanced composition of visual harmony. All works to this point in time are a combination of colored pencils, watercolor, acrylics, and other mixed media.


To create a continuing body of imagery focused on bringing joy and happiness to a wide audience of young and old alike.

Allison Spencer